Gregorian chants

One Sunday this summer I happened to be at mass in Venturina, a small village in south Tuscan, a hamlet of Campiglia Marittima. The celebrant was evidently of Indian or Pakistani origin, but already at the hallelujah he surprised me with the lively and convinced attitude with which he sang the song at the Gospel. He then read the Gospel in excellent Italian, and gave the homily in the same impeccable Italian, with naturalness, conviction and acumen. I repeat: this in itself was a surprise. At the end, after the Ite, he intoned the Ave Maria in Gregorian chant as if it was usual, another amazement, but it wasn’t enough: the assembly promptly responded without hesitation and with energy almost equal to that which is still possible to feel with a Gregorian Salve Regina where those who take care of the songs are not ashamed to propose it. Moved, I went to the sacristy to thank him. Thank you Father Ebin.