In terms of number and musical skills, the forces of the parish choir were largely insufficient to be worthy of a public performance, as witnessed in the following lines.
Over the time, several providential circumstances allowed us to perform in public twice every year, at Easter and at Christmas.
Sometimes also in May, with a focus on Marian themes.
Along with the songs, we used to add art images, which always aroused emotions and special thanks.
All this was also achieved thanks to the collaboration of G. G.,a very good and eclectic organist, who was able to put up with us and to successfuly support each of us.
Over the years, this experience has increased at any level, so far as to improve each chorister’ s personal skills. The liturgical services- never abandoned- has taken benefit of this work as well as the parish itself. Spiritual concerts, namely a real Musical Chapel, is in fact supposed to bring benefits to the entire parish.
Time and the pandemics have led to a dramatic reduction of the choir staff, which has forced us to stop the experience of the concerts. Deus dedit, Deus abstulit: sit nomen Domini benedictum!
Below, is the list of our concerts: the fruits of our experience. I received these concerts free, like an unexpected gift, so I will offer it back to anyone willing to try and enjoy these “fruits”.